TaalMala v.3.50 TaalMala is a (Microsoft Windows) PC based Tabla/Pakhawaj accompaniment software for music enthusiasts and professionals.It is an approachable and easy guide if you want to start listening to. Now,you can answer it when you have a Pocket Music Guide. These questions bothered you in many days. Pocket Music Guide v.1.1 Pocket Music Guide is an approachable and convenient guide to classical music.EarthMediaCenter online music radio v.1.0.1 EarthMediaCenter: 150 music radio stations in over 30 languages worldwide.Includes a variety of radio genres (pop, rock, rap, jazz, r'n'b, classical music, electronic music and many others).The number of on-line-TV channels is by several orders.Plus, access Classical music MP3's, torrents, classical music news, and classical music videos.

Classical Internet Radio v.4.5 This free radio player lets you access Internet only Classical music radio stations, FM land radio stations.Features:Fully searchable, easy to use layout.60+ Ragas & 23 Talas, defined and. Sangeetpedia will be launched both as a desktop application as well as a website. Sangeetpedia v.1.0 Sangeetpedia, a digital encyclopedia of Indian Classical Music, a first of its kind.Can even set tempo by tapping key at desired speed. RiyazStudio v.1.00 RiyazStudio combines freeware Tanpura with licenced Tabla (with a 30-day moneyback guarantee) using real recorded tabla loops for a naturalistic Tabla sound.It include the following stations: KBYU FM, KING, KSJN FM, WCNY FM, WDPR, WGBH HD2, WGUC, WKAR FM, WNED FM, WQXR. Very simple to use, just click the radio station and it will begin to play. Classical Music Radio Stations v.1.0 Free program for listening Classical Music Radio Stations.